About Us
Founded in 2012, Sustainable Princeton is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to inspire the community to develop and implement solutions that positively impact the environment. We work alongside residents, businesses, nonprofits, and the local government to make our community more sustainable..
Organization Type:nonprofit
Issue Areas:environment, infrastructure, neighborhood
Volunteer Information
Typical Volunteer Opportunities:From the Spring through Fall, we rely on numerous volunteers to help us spread the word about our mission at events, assist us in collecting resources at the Princeton Farmer's Market, or help us pull off the annual GreenFest. In addition, throughout the year, we rely on volunteers to help with research, writing, and data analysis. To see current opportunities visit Sustainable Princeton's Volunteer Match.
Current Volunteer Opportunities:yes
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Social Media
Community Partner Spotlight
Learn more about how the library and Sustainable Princeton work together in our Community Partner Spotlight.