There are nine members on the Library Board of Trustees and they are charged with the administration, maintenance and operation of all public library services. The Board is governed by State Law.

There are nine members on the Library Board of Trustees and they are charged with the administration, maintenance and operation of all public library services. The Board is governed by State Law.
The Princeton Public Library offers Princeton residents access to more than 145,000 books, 15,000 movies, CDs, and books on tape, 400 newspapers and magazines, as well as information databases in the areas of health, business, family history, law, current events and 1,000’s of full-text periodicals. Open 7 days per week, the library staff provides personalized service, innovative technologies and a wide array of public programs to meet the community's needs and interests.
Address:65 Witherspoon St.
Phone number:6099249529
Organization Type:municipal
Issue Areas:education, equity
Volunteer Website:
Current Volunteer Opportunities:yes