About Us
The Historical Society of Princeton (HSP) brings the history of Princeton to life for diverse audiences. HSP’s headquarters is Updike Farmstead, a six-acre preserved farm with historic farm buildings, sprawling grounds, and an organic garden. HSP presents programs at the Farmstead and elsewhere in the community. These signature programs include stewardship of vast historical collections, exhibition development, public programs, and co-curricular support for schools.
Address:354 Quaker Road
Phone number:609-921-6748
Organization Type:nonprofit
Issue Areas:arts, education, environment, history, humanities
Volunteer Information
Typical Volunteer Opportunities:There are a number of ways to volunteer for the Historical Society of Princeton. We are always looking for help to catalog, digitize, and transcribe our large archival collection in order to make it more accessible to the community. We also offer over 100 public and private historical walking tours of the town each year, led by volunteer guides. We are on the lookout for people interested in training and serving as walking tour guides. Between April and November, we look for volunteers to help us maintain and cultivate the organic garden at Updike Farmstead. The produce from this garden is donated to the Cornerstone Community Kitchen, an offshoot of TASK at the Methodist Church on Nassau Street. Finally, each November, we look for volunteers to help us as docents at our extremely popular House Tour event.
Volunteer Website:https://princetonhistory.org/about-us/volunteer-at-hsp/
Current Volunteer Opportunities:yes
Similar Organizations
We are often confused with the Princeton Historic Preservation Commission, which is a municipal organization. If you live in a historic district and have questions about renovations to your house, if you wish to designate a historic district, or have other brick-and-mortar historic preservation concerns, reach out to them! We are not the official body approving or rejecting projects at historic structures.
Social Media
Other Social Media:https://www.pinterest.com/hsofp/