About Us
The Watershed works to protect central New Jersey's water through education, advocacy, acquiring scientific data, and conservation.
Address:31 Titus Mill Road, Hopewell, NJ
Phone number:609-737-3735 X 51
Organization Type:nonprofit
Issue Areas:environment
Volunteer Information
Typical Volunteer Opportunities:Volunteer needs range from people to staff our welcome desk during the week and on weekends to people to help with our StreamWatch water quality program. from nest monitoring to monitoring our trails, from watering our saplings to removing invasive species, from helping with our events to taking care of our small collection of turtles, snakes, amphibians etc. A wide range of activities, mostly outside, is available (more during the summer, but some during the winter months as well).We're a relatively small organization with a very large mission; we depend on volunteers to bridge the gap!
Volunteer Website:https://thewatershed.org/get-involved/
Current Volunteer Opportunities:yes
Social Media
Other Social Media:https://www.youtube.com/user/sbmwa/videos