About Us
JFCS provides social services to people of all backgrounds including mental health counseling, senior services, youth & community engagement, and a mobile & onsite food pantry program. Our Mental Health Counseling services offer individual, couple, and family therapy with licensed social workers. Senior Services include initial geriatric assessment and ongoing care management. The JFCS onsite food pantry is open Tuesdays and Thursday by appointment only.
Address:707 Alexander Road, Suite 102 Princeton, NJ 08540
Phone number:609-987-8100
Organization Type:nonprofit
Issue Areas:food insecurity, health, senior
Volunteer Information
Typical Volunteer Opportunities:JFCS has opportunities for individuals, families, private and corporate groups focused primarily in our food programs. Opportunities include packing pantry bags, helping on a mobile food pantry distribution, delivering Kosher Meals on Wheels, group shopping events, and more. Anyone interested in JFCS volunteer opportunities should contact EdenA@jfcsonline.org. JFCS offers opportunities to be involved beyond day to day volunteering, including community events, special events, and committees. Email ContactUs@jfcsonline.org for more info!
Current Volunteer Opportunities:yes
Similar Organizations
We do NOT provide in-home nursing/long term senior care, we DO provide geriatric care management. We do NOT provide direct financial assistance, we DO have a food pantry open to anyone in need. ALL social service resources are open to the entire community.
Social Media
Other Social Media:https://www.youtube.com/JFCSMercer