The nine member Board of Health has jurisdiction in all matters of environmental and public health within Princeton including all public health services. The Board is governed by State Law.

The nine member Board of Health has jurisdiction in all matters of environmental and public health within Princeton including all public health services. The Board is governed by State Law.
The mission of the Board of Health is to protect and improve the public’s health through disease prevention, health education and community planning by providing competent and professional environmental and public health services to all residents of Princeton. Under the mandates of the New Jersey Public Health Practice Standards and the ordinances and policies of the Princeton Board of Health, the public’s health is protected through inspection and enforcement activities, disease prevention, and health promotion and education. Our vision is to serve, protect and improve the public health of the community through communication, consultation, programing and cooperation with our residents and public health partners.
Address:One Monument Hall,
Phone number:609-497-7608
Organization Type:municipal
Issue Areas:health
Typical Volunteer Opportunities:Serve on the Board or in an ad-hoc committee
Volunteer Website:
Current Volunteer Opportunities:yes