About Us
The Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice~ community activist center, educational bridge & safe-space for LGBTQIA youth, intersectional families & all marginalized folx, connecting our beautifully diverse communities locally & nationally. 
The Center lost our HQ during the pandemic but now reopened to create an even more vibrant & inspirational safe-space that our community needs & deserves & in which all our folx will feel recognized, respected, & indeed LOVED!
Address:12 Stockton St., Princeton, NJ 08540
Phone number:6092731650
Organization Type:nonprofit
Issue Areas:arts, education, equity
Volunteer Information
Typical Volunteer Opportunities:We are always lookin' to welcome any & all folx who would like to be of service, whether they want to be dedicated safe-space hosts, drop by & see what needs to be done every now & then, or have suggestions for programming & events that would help our Center further build toward that Beloved Community.
Volunteer Website:https://www.rustincenter.org/
Current Volunteer Opportunities:yes
Social Media