About Us
The ACP provides year-round free public events, outreach programs and classes for Princetonians aged 6-96. Public programs include the Summer Concert Series, a Day of the Dead festival, the town Halloween parade, monthly dances, the MLK Jr. celebration, and Communiversity. We offer outreach programs to the Princeton Nursery School, low-income seniors, homeless youth, and under-served students. Last year we offered over 400 classes, workshops, and camp sessions.
Address:102 Witherspoon Street
Phone number:609-924-8700
Organization Type:nonprofit
Issue Areas:arts, education
Volunteer Information
Typical Volunteer Opportunities:Opportunities include assisting teaching artists, helping at community events, documenting our programs, and administrative functions.
Volunteer Website:https://artscouncilofprinceton.org/support/become-a-volunteer/
Current Volunteer Opportunities:yes
Social Media