About Us
Arm In Arm helps provide food, housing, and job support to Mercer County residents. Specifically, our client choice pantries provide three days worth of groceries to every household that visits. Our housing program assists with back-rent, mortgages, security deposits, and utility bills. Our job support program train individuals referred to us through Mercer County One Stop. We also help those who have had their driver's licenses suspended due to fines.
Address:61 Nassau Street (123 E Hanover Street, Trenton, NJ 08608)
Phone number:609-396-9355
Organization Type:nonprofit
Issue Areas:affordable housing, food insecurity, poverty
Volunteer Information
Typical Volunteer Opportunities:Arm In Arm needs volunteers assist clients with their grocery shopping in our three client choice pantries. Volunteers also help by working with clients in our homelessness prevention program to determine their program eligibility.
Volunteer Website:https://arminarm.org/volunteer-opportunities/
Current Volunteer Opportunities:yes
Similar Organizations
HomeFront: offers emergency food and financial assistance to prevent hunger and homelessness, and job training. Their focus is on families with children, while we serve families, individuals, and households without children. HomeFront’s programming includes shelter services and transitional housing, which we do not provide. They are a considerably larger organization, but given data from their marketing materials, we estimate that we provide more food to the community and comparable levels of emergency financial assistance. •
Catholic Charities is a larger organization serving 3 counties, with an operating budget of over $40 million. They provide emergency services for food and housing, but also offer mental health and addictions treatment, foster care and adoption, domestic violence services, parenting education, and immigration and human trafficking services. We estimate that we provide more food to the community, given our 3 pantries, as compared to their one site. Their housing services focus on rapid rehousing, while we offer emergency assistance to prevent homelessness or restore housing, case management and shallow subsidies to support housing. •
Jewish Family and Children Services is larger than Arm In Arm, and similarly provides basic needs of food and housing, but also offers comprehensive mental health services, senior and youth services. We are exploring collaboration on mobile pantry services as they launch their own pop-up pantries. •
Trenton Area Soup Kitchen provides hot meals, while we provide groceries to prepare meals at home. Like Arm In Arm, they support long-term stability with referral to necessary services, but also offer GED instruction, tutoring and onsite medical services. It is a larger organization, but does not offer housing assistance or workforce development. •
Housing Initiatives of Princeton supports a small number of families in transitional housing, but also offers emergency financial assistance to support housing as we do.
Social Media
Other Social Media:https://www.linkedin.com/company/arm-in-arm