About Us
Provide a weekly sit-down free community dinner and "shopping" in our free clothing and grocery stores to anyone who wants to attend. No registration or residency requirements.
Address:7 Vandeventer Avenue, Princeton, NJ 08542
Phone number:609-924-2613
Organization Type:municipal
Issue Areas:emergency services, food insecurity, neighborhood, poverty, senior
Volunteer Information
Typical Volunteer Opportunities:Tuesdays sorting clothes and setting up store; Wednesdays food and veggie prep, grocery store set up, meal service/cleanup, clothing store and grocery store attendant
Volunteer Website:https://www.princetoncornerstone.com/volunteer-opportunities
Current Volunteer Opportunities:yes
Similar Organizations
Princeton Mobile Food Pantry. They operate 2x/month, serve only Princeton families and are delivery only. We are a weekly, in-person, sit down meal, open to all.